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Policies & Procedures

Barth Syndrome Foundation (BSF) policies are established by the Board of Directors, and form the "rules" that guide and govern the Foundation. Many are drawn from accepted standards of good governance, as prescribed by such organizations as the National Health Council, where BSF is a member. Our policies are meant to reflect the values of the BSF community, to insure that BSF treats its various constituencies with respect and appreciation, and that BSF adheres to all appropriate laws and regulations and makes effective use of our resources, in furtherance of our mission and vision.

BSF's procedures are the prescribed means of accomplishing a policy. Their intent is to provide the BSF community with the guidelines and, where appropriate, the specific action sequences to ensure uniformity, compliance and control of all policy-related activities.

Committee Policies

Foundation Policies

Foundation Procedures

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Last updated 09/26/2022

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